
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Chapter 21 - The Giver

Everything is not necessarily following the plan. Jonas left the community at night right after he came back home from sleeping over at the Giver’s place making a big plan, even though the D-day was set on the ceremony of Twelve. It was Gabe who made Jonas make a decision to leave earlier than the plan. Jonas’s father mentioned Gabe is going to be released in the next morning and Jonas wanted to prevent Gabe from being released, so he left the long excruciating journey taking Gabe. During their escape, they usually made their forwards by bike at night and they lurked in ambush in daytime. They don’t know where they are and how close they have approached to Elsewhere but fortunately, the aircraft searchers came less often and flew less slow as if they almost gave up to find Jonas and Gabe.

It’s very impressive to watch Jonas’s bravery. He made a big decision to change all the things of the plan in order to save Gabe. It made me wonder how it’s possible that one risks one’s life to save another one. From his perspective, he might have been unable to leave Gabe get released especially after he watched the video records showing the process of release. Beyond the strong sense of justice, this young boy also must have felt very fearful to carry out all those things. So, his courage is admirable. The world may be able to keep on changing thanks to the brave.

Nearby, Gabriel played happily on the floor, babbling his baby talk,
babble VERB
babble (away/on) (something) to talk quickly in a way that is difficult to understand
They were all babbling away in a foreign language.

That's an understatement. It was a disaster.
understatement NOUN
a statement that makes something seem less important, impressive, serious, etc. than it really is
To say we were pleased is an understatement (= we were extremely pleased).

They were really frazzled by the time I got to work.
frazzle [frǽzl] 
[VERB] to make or become exhausted or weary; tire out

"Gabe, you naughty thing," Lily said, with a scolding little cluck toward the grinning toddler on the floor.
cluck VERB
to make a short low sound with your tongue to show that you feel sorry for somebody or that you disapprove of something
The teacher clucked sympathetically at the child's story.

with a rhythmic sound of languid water lapping hypnotically against a beach nearby.
moving slowly in an elegant manner, not needing energy or effort
a languid afternoon in the sun

lap VERB
to touch something gently and regularly, often making a soft sound
The waves lapped around our feet.

hypnotic ADJECTIVE  [hɪpˈnɑːtɪk] 
making you feel as if you are going to fall asleep, especially because of a regular, repeated noise or movement
His voice had an almost hypnotic effect.

As the memory seeped from him into the newchild, he could feel Gabe's sleep ease and deepen.
seep VERB
to flow slowly and in small quantities through something or into something
Blood was beginning to seep through the bandages.

They were in an isolated place; fields on either side of the road were dotted with thickets of trees here and there.
thicket NOUN
a group of bushes or small trees growing closely together
a dense thicket of bamboo

He saw a stream, and made his way to it across a rutted, bumpy meadow
with deep tracks that have been made by wheels
an uncomfortable ride along deeply rutted roads.

Gabriel, wide awake now, giggled as the bicycle jolted him up and down.
jolt VERB [dʒoʊlt]
to move or to make somebody/something move suddenly and roughly
Her heart jolted when she saw him.

Together the fugitives slept through the first dangerous day.
fugitive NOUN
a person who has escaped or is running away from somewhere and is trying to avoid being caught
The detective was on the track of the fugitive. 

the careful division of scraps of food, augmented by what he could find in the fields.
augment VERB
To augment something means to make it larger, stronger, or more effective by adding something to it.
While searching for a way to augment the family income, she began making dolls.

His leg muscles were taut now.
stretched tightly
Keep the rope taut.

their flesh would be no more than smears of gray against the colorless foliage.
smear VERB [smɪr]
an oily or dirty mark
a smear of jam

foliage NOUN 
the leaves of a tree or plant; leaves and branches together
dense green foliage

heat-seeking devices which could identify body warmth and would home in on two humans huddled in shrubbery.
home in on something
to aim at something and move straight towards it
The missile homed in on the target.

he was constantly vigilant, looking for the next nearest hiding place
vigilant ADJECTIVE
very careful to notice any signs of danger or trouble
SYNONYM alert, watchful
A pilot must remain vigilant at all times.

as if the search had become haphazard and no longer hopeful.
haphazard ADJECTIVE [hæpˈhæzərd]
with no particular order or plan; not organized well
The government's approach to the problem was haphazard.

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