
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Chapter 5 - The Giver

People in this community have the morning ritual as well as the evening one and they talk about their dreams during last sleep. Jonas usually does not dream but last night, he had one and in his dream, he felt strong wanting. However, his mother called that feeling Stirrings and by the rules, Jonas had to take some pills.


it's incredibly awful that this community tries to control not only people's behaviors but also their unconscious dream world. What a perfect society... 

I can tell through his dream that Jonas seems to arrive at puberty as other Elevens also have experienced or will do very soon. However this Well-Designed society prevents people from go through one of very natural growth process by suppressing sexual desire. Jonas thought the wanting in his dream made him feel good but after his taking pills, the feeling disappeared. How poor he is... 

( oh! No sexual crime in this society?!!! :O )

Lily, as usual, recounted a lengthy dream 

recount 1 |rɪˈkaʊnt|verb [ reporting verb ]tell someone about something; give an account of an event or experience:with obj. ] recounted the tale to Steve | [ with clause ] he recounts howthey often talked of politics.

his mother told of a dream fragment, a disquieting scene where she had been chastised for a rule infraction she didn't understand.  disquieting |dɪsˈkwʌɪətɪŋadjective

inducing feelings of anxiety or worry: he found Jean's gaze disquieting.
infraction |ɪnˈfrakʃ(ə)n|nounchiefly Lawviolation or infringement of a law or agreement.

the newchild lay gurgling after his feeding

gurgle |ˈgəːg(ə)l|verb [ no obj. ]make a hollow bubbling sound like that made by water running out of abottle: my stomach gurgled | (as adj.gurglinga faint gurgling noise.• (of a baby) make a contented sound: the baby snuggled closer to Julie andgurgled.

I was perspiring, because it was so warm.  
perspire |pəˈspʌɪə|
verb [ no obj. ]give out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physicalexertion, or stress: Will was perspiring heavily.

The details were murky and vague.

murky |ˈməːki|adjective ( murkier, murkiest )dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist: the sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling.• (of liquid) dark and dirty; not clear: the murky silt of a muddy pond.obscure or morally questionable: a government minister with a murky past.

We want to be certain he doesn't wiggle himself loose.
wiggle |ˈwɪg(ə)l|
verbmove or cause to move up and down or from side to side with small rapidmovements: [ with obj. ] Vi wiggled her toes | [ no obj. ] my tooth was wiggling about.
It was your first Stirrings.

stirring |ˈstəːrɪŋ|nounan initial sign of activity, movement, or emotion: the first stirrings of anger. 

now and then the Speaker mentioned it.  

now and again now and then every now and again every now and then 
occasionally; on and off

Asher had groaned good-naturedly, turned his bike, and ridden back while Jonas waited. 
groan |grəʊn|verb [ no obj. ]make a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc.:Marty groaned and pulled the blanket over his head.• with direct speech ] say something in a despairing or miserable tone:‘Oh no!’ I groaned.• complaingrumble: they were moaning and groaning about management.
good-natured |ˌgʊdˈneɪtʃəd|adjectivekind, friendly, and patient: everyone was very good-natured about it. there wasplenty of good-natured banter.

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