
Wednesday, October 23, 2013



It is the night to flee from the community. However, their careful plan was changed by one reason.

The night, Jonas’ father told to family about their final decision of Gabriel’s release. During the night crew took care of Gabriel, he had been not sleeping so soundly till the night crew got exhausted. This news made a big change to his plan, then he decided to take Gabriel with him to his journey.

The only things made him feel sad was about leaving his close friends. He will not able to see them forever, and he thought about his 3 infractions; leaving the dwelling at night, robbing food from the community and stealing his father’s bicycle.

During his journey, Jonas transmitted soothing memory to Gabriel to let him fall sleep for avoiding the searchers find them from the planes. At the last, they reached very far place where no planes fly to search them. After the long dangerous night, two fugitives Jonas and Gabriel hid in the bush to have rest.   



12 years old boy took a baby to flee from his own society. That’s very brave action, and survival journey. Now, he became like single-mother. Food is enough for them? How to take care of baby after several days? Whatever, I could understand it was the only way for Jonas. Do I have such experience before? Can’t go back, and need to just go forward….I think I have never. Or about my marriage? The source of his vitality is having “Hope”. Human strength! Jonas had a hope which is to let people share all memories in the community. He is very strong, and I truly respect for what he has done rather than following the prepared plan with the Giver.  He got a company Gabriel just about 1year old. Probably it was better than being alone for Jonas.  Boys! Please achieve your terrific project!


<My New words>

1. fall apart /  to have so many problems that it is no longer possible to exist or function

> All the things they had thought through so meticulously fell apart.

2. stealthily / adv / ˈstelθɪli / doing things quietly or secretly

> He moved stealthily and silently.

3. chatter away / to talk quickly and continuously, especially about things that are not important

> Lily was chattering away.

4. apparently/ adv / əˈpærəntli  / according to what you have heard or read

> He cried all night, apparently.

5. frazzled / adj / ˈfræzld / tired and easily annoyed

>They were really frazzled.

6. condemn / v / kənˈdem / to express very strong disapproval of somebody/something, usually for moral reasons

>He would be condemned.

7. soothing / adj / suːðɪŋ / to make somebody who is anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer

> Jonas transmitted to him the most soothing memory.

8. jolt /v / dʒoʊlt  /to move or to make somebody/something move suddenly and roughly

>The bicycle jolted him up and down.

9. diminish / v /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ / to become or to make something become smaller, weaker, etc.

>The frequency of the planes diminished.

10. fugitive / n / ˈfjuːdʒətɪv /a person who has escaped or is running away from somewhere and is trying to avoid being caught

> The fugitives slept through the first dangerous day.

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