
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Chapter 16 - The Giver

While Jonas has experienced a few painful memories, good memories has also come to him such as birthday party and bond between animals and human. The best one of those good memories seems to be LOVE. Jonas felt the feeling of love through the memory of family gathering. At first, he felt awkward that all the family members including grand parents live together but he felt warm happiness about it.

Wow…! Again, I was very surprised at how the community system works in a clever way. After Jonas’s feeling of Love, he asked his parents if they love him. “Do you love me?” I was really curious about their reaction to the question wondering how they explain the concept of love which they don’t feel. The answer was language precision. They just pointed out his language accuracy and answered that the word, love is too generalized. That's the way how they avoide the question. How amazingly smart it is that they have great excuses about the fact that they don’t feel love!

In one ecstatic memory he had ridden a gleaming brown horse across a field that smelled of damp grass
ec·stat·ic [ekstǽtik]
very happy, excited and enthusiastic; feeling or showing great enthusiasm
His wife gave birth to their first child, and he was ecstatic about it.

the horse turned from the stream and nudged Jonas's shoulder affectionately with its head
nudge [nʌdƷ]
to push somebody gently, especially with your elbow, in order to get their attention
He nudged me and whispered, ‘Look who's just come in.’

Sometimes it took a while for him to get his bearings, to find his place.
get/find/take your bearings
to make yourself familiar with your surroundings in order to find out where you are or to feel comfortable in a place
He paused at the top of the hill, trying to get his bearings.

But this time he fit right in and felt the happiness that pervaded the memory.
pervade [pərvéid]
to spread through and be noticeable in every part of something
The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell.

He was in a room filled with people, and it was warm, with firelight glowing on a hearth.
hearth [haːrθ]
the floor at the bottom of a fireplace (= the space for a fire in the wall of a room); the area in front of this
they sat on the hearth and warmed themselves before the fire

Jonas opened his eyes and lay contentedly on the bed, still luxuriating in the warm and comforting memory.
luxuriate [lʌgʒúərièit]
luxuriate in something
to relax while enjoying something very pleasant
She luxuriated in all the attention she received.

Jonas blurted out what he was feeling.
blurt something out
to say something suddenly and without thinking carefully  
He found himself blurting out the whole story to her.

The family in the memory seemed a little more--" He faltered, not able to find the word he wanted.
falter [fɔ́ːltər]
to speak in a way that shows that you are not confident
His voice faltered as he began his speech.

He made himself say the words, though he felt flushed with embarrassment.
flushed [flʌʃt]
red; with a red face
Her face was flushed with anger.

He had rehearsed them in his mind all the way home from the Annex.
rehearse [rihə́ːrs]
to prepare in your mind or practise privately what you are going to do or say to somebodyShe walked along rehearsing her excuse for being late.

memories of soft rainfall against windowpanes
win·dow·pane [|wɪndoʊpeɪn]
[NOUN] A windowpane is a piece of glass in the window of a building.
The windowpane broke into pieces.




Now, Jonas got into slump. He hoped to go back to his childhood rather than receiving many terrible memories as the Receiver. However, the Giver was transmitting many good memories as well. For example, “a birthday party”, ”museum”, ”animals”, ”the pain of loss and loneliness”, ”grandparents”, and ”love”. The Giver told him his favorite good memory is about “love”. Jonas didn’t have the concept of “love”, and he asked to Father. However, he was explained that it’s meaningless and it’s out of date by Mother. Jonas felt it’s not really right, but he pretended that he understood what his parents said. At that time, Gabriel was growing smoothly, so it became sure to be named and given to his family in near future. However, his sleeping habit returned to stop sleeping, so Jonas took care of the baby in his room, but the Nurturers was watching him positively. Each night secretly Jonas gave good memories to the baby, and talked the baby. In the next morning, he didn’t take a pill. The whole training seems to make him not to take the pill.  


Jonas is becoming a MEN! He started going to his way. 12 years old may be the time to start watching the society and the world by your own point of view. In the community, the people’s minds have been controlled, and don’t doubt any more since they don’t know anything. I felt knowing more is same meaning of gaining your own thought. We always have these steps….

Knowing> Feeling>Thinking>Getting your own view. However, the community cut apart this first step “Knowing” from the citizens. How pity citizens are…. It’s because of protecting people’s life. At least, I feel flat and dull of the world if I couldn’t have those experiences….

The most surprising part was that Jonas didn’t have the concept of “love”. However, I believe they have their own love. To feel cute with Ash and to respect Father and Mother from heart is also reasonable love even if they are not real parents……Now I feel I knew the author’s main message under the whole story. He should have wanted to tell us that our freedom and the nature are our property although it is very hard to create complete PEACE of the world.

Upps! It is still Chapter16. Still have 7 chapters left. Hmmmmm. I am looking forward to reading how Jonas can cope with both his own life and his work, then how he finds peace in his heart.
<My new words>

1. nudge/v/nʌdʒ/to push somebody gently, especially with your elbow, in order to get their attention
2. affectionately/ adv/əˈfekʃənətli/showing caring feelings and love for somebody
>The horse nudged Jonas's shoulder affectionately with its head.

 3. pervade/v/pərˈveɪd/to spread through and be noticeable in every part of something
>He felt the happiness that percaded the memory.

 4. falter/v/ˈfɔːltər/to speak in a way that shows that you are not confident
>His voice faltered as he began his speech.

5. precision /adj/prɪˈsɪʒn/the quality of being exact, accurate and careful
> Precision of language, please!

6. anticipate/v/ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/to expect something
>Amusement was not at all what he had anticipated.

7. obsolete/adj/ˌɑːbsəˈliːt/no longer used because something new has been invented
>obsolete technology

8. wholeheartedly/adv/ˌhoʊlˈhɑːrtədli/complete and enthusiastic
>She threw herself wholeheartedly into her work.

9. accomplishment/n/əˈkɑːmplɪʃmənt/an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work
> Do you take pride in my accomplishment?

Chapter 15 - The Giver

In this chapter, Jonas got to experience what Warfare is. He was willing to relieve the Giver’s pain through transmitting of memory but at last, he realized how excruciating the warfare is. Moreover, he felt painful as much as he liked to end his life.

I’ve predicted that the war would be the worst memory to be transmitted to Jonas. He’s just experienced it but I’m afraid that there still remain worse memories than the war. What is the worst one for me? In my experience, the car accident was the worst until now. It was really horrible that I couldn’t do anything and I was looking at other cars coming to me while the car was pushed forward to the intersection by another car. The terror was excruciating as well as my backache resulted from the accident. Just one good thing is that it made me be more careful with driving. Then, how do the bad memories have an effect on Jonas? I can guess just two things. One is that Jonas tries to make differences in the community and the other one is to give up and just continue the normal the Receiver’s life as the Giver did or run away. Away away far away~ to some other place.

Let’s see how his courage works!

the Giver was rigid in his chair, his face in his hands.
rig·id [rídʒid]
stiff and difficult to move or bend
She sat upright, her body rigid with fear.

The Giver looked up at him, his face contorted with suffering.
contort [kəntɔ́ːrt]
to become twisted or make something twisted out of its natural or normal shape
His face contorted with anger.

Jonas braced himself and entered the memory which was torturing The Giver.
braced [breis]
[VERB] If you brace yourself for something unpleasant or difficult, you prepare yourself for it.
They are bracing themselves for a long legal battle.

He was in a confused, noisy, foul-smelling place.
foul [faul]
dirty and smelling bad
The smell was quite foul.

A wild-eyed horse, its bridle torn and dangling, trotted frantically through the mounds of men, tossing its head, whinnying in panic.
bri·dle [bráidl]
[NOUN] A bridle is a set of straps that is put around a horse's head and mouth so that the person riding or driving the horse can control it.
He put a bridle on the white horse.

trot [trat]
[VERB] When an animal such as a horse trots, it moves fairly fast, taking quick small steps. You can also say that the rider of the animal is trotting.
Pete got on his horse and started trotting across the field.

frantically [frǽntikəli]
in an uncontrolled manner
They worked frantically to finish on time.

whin·ny [wíni]
[VERB] When a horse whinnies, it makes a series of high-pitched sounds, usually not very loudly.
The girl's horse whinnied.

"Water," the voice said in a parched, croaking whisper.
parched  [paːrʧt]
1 very dry, especially because the weather is hot
She licked her parched lips.
2 (informal) very thirsty
Let's get a drink—I'm parched.

croak [krouk]
[VERB] If someone croaks something, they say it in a low, rough voice.
I had a sore throat and could only croak.

He lay sprawled, his gray uniform glistening with wet, fresh blood.
sprawled [sprɔːld]
sitting or lying with your arms and legs spread out in a lazy or awkward way
He was lying sprawled in an armchair, watching TV.

glisten [glísn]
[VERB] If something glistens, it shines, usually because it is wet or oily.
The calm sea glistened in the sunlight.

The colors of the carnage were grotesquely bright:
car·nage [kάːrnidʒ]
[NOUN] Carnage is the violent killing of large numbers of people, especially in a war.
The battlefield was a scene of great carnage.

When he spoke, a new spurt of blood drenched the coarse cloth across his chest and sleeve.
spurt [spəːrt]
[NOUN][oft N of n] A spurt of liquid is a stream of it which comes out of something very forcefully.
a great spurt of blood
[VERB] When liquid or fire spurts from somewhere, or when something spurts liquid or fire, it comes out quickly in a thin, powerful stream.
They spurted blood all over me. I nearly passed out.

drench [drentʃ]
[VERB] To drench something or someone means to make them completely wet.
His face was drenched with sweat.

coarse [kɔːrs]
[ADJ] Coarse things have a rough texture because they consist of thick threads or large pieces.
Using sandpaper turns the surface of wood from coarse to smooth.

something that looked like ragged flesh and splintery bone.
splin·ter·y [splíntəri]
[ADJ] liable to produce or break into splinters
a rough splintery floor of old pine boards

to wait for the surging pain to ease.
surge [səːrdʒ]
[VERB] If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.
Share prices surged.

Water trickled into the imploring mouth and down the grimy chin.
trickle [tríkl]
[VERB] When a liquid trickles, or when you trickle it, it flows slowly in very small amounts.
A tear trickled down the old man's cheek

im·plor·ing [implɔ́ːriŋ]
[ADJ] An imploring look, cry, or letter shows that you very much want someone to do something and are afraid they may not do it.
Frank looked at Jim with imploring eyes.

grim·y [gráimi]
[ADJ] Something that is grimy is very dirty.
a grimy industrial city.

Horses lying on the ground shrieked, raised their heads, and stabbed randomly toward the sky with their hooves.
shriek ʃriːk]
[VERB] When someone shrieks, they make a short, very loud cry, for example because they are suddenly surprised, are in pain, or are laughing.
She shrieked and leapt from the bed.

hooves [huːvz] - hoof
[NOUN] The hooves of an animal such as a horse are the hard lower parts of its feet.
They have powerful front legs and sharp hooves.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013



 Jonas received the memory of “warfare”. It was extremely painful and misery experience.

The giver said to Jonas “Forgive me”.


 Such a horrible training….how long does it take until the Giver finishes the all the memory’s exchange? In chapter15, I could find several expression which describe  the terrible situation of the war.

<My new words>

1. rigid/adj/ˈrɪdʒɪd/ stiff and difficult to move or bend
>The Giver was rigid in this chair.

2. contort with/v/ kənˈtɔːrt/to become twisted or make something twisted out of its natural or normal shape
> His face contorted with suffering.

3. brace oneself/v/breɪs/ to prepare somebody/yourself for something difficult or unpleasant that is going to happen
>They are bracing themselves for a long legal battle.

4. foul/adj/faʊl/dirty and smelling bad
> foul-smelling place

5. frantically/adv/ˈfræntɪkli/unable to control your emotions because you are extremely frightened or worried about something
>They worked frantically to finish on time.

6. carnage/n/ ˈkɑːrnɪdʒ/ the violent killing of a large number of people
> The colors of the carnage were grotesquely bright.

7. immobilize /v/ ɪˈmoʊbəlaɪz/ to prevent something/somebody from moving or from working normally
> One of Jonas’s arms was immobilized with pain.

8. grimy/adj/ ˈɡraɪmi/covered with dirt
> The grimy chin

9. wounded/adj/ˈwuːndɪd/injured by a weapon, for example in a war
> The wounded men

10. hoof /n/ huːf/ the hard part of the foot of some animals, for example horses
> Horses have hooves.

11. thud/n/θʌd/a sound like the one which is made when a heavy object hits something else
>The thud of canons.


How it looks like?

"foul-smelling place"
=very bad smell place. This smell includes putrid smell.

“The mounds of men”

“Dirt streaked the boy’s face”

"crimson wetness on the rough and dusty fabric"
=crimson is very deep red color. At this point, it means the color of blood. 

"the thud of canons"
=it 's the big sound from the canon. Something like this.... DON!!BOM!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013



Jonas has continued the training with pain, and he leaned the meaning of it.  Those painful memories give the Receiver wisdom when the Committee of Elders asked the advice. However, this kind of opportunity is very rare, and only Receiver need to bear all memories of the whole world. Jonas felt that is unfair, and he suggested to change this situation to the Giver, but it's decided long time ago and that's not possible to be changed now. At Jonas's home, there was a little change that Gabriel reached to the standard intelligence. However,
whimpering in the night was still continuing, and it made Jonas's parents lack of sleep.
For helping this situation, Jonas took care of Gabriel for only one night. In the evening, the baby started crying, so Jonas patted his back to let him fall sleep again. Then, Jonas used his positive memory about "sail" with his hands to pat the baby's back. Unexpectedly the memory about "sail" was removed from Jonas's body, and it moved to Gabriel. Jonas was surprised, but he decided not to tell this happening to the Giver. It's because the Giver has not be qualified yet, and Gabriel may not be a Receiver in his future.   


Oh My God!Gabriel also can be the Receiver in this future?? It's so interesting, but Jonas made it secret again.....hmmm I hoped he talked about this with the Giver. Two shocking stories were written in this chapter. One is about twins' issue. To avoid the trouble, the one of twins needs to be released. That's so sad and very cruel act. Also the other one is about the job responsibility of the Receiver. It's too much on the one person's shoulder! Then the Committee use them as a special tool when they face to the new issue. Even the committee don't want to know the pain story....How lonely job the Receiver is!!!! Instead of knowing terrible memories, they also can see the wonderful positive memories. hmmmmm, but it is saying painful experiences can help people more.
For our lives, it also can be working. We often say that only the person who has experience can share the same pain. At the same time, we trust the people who has the real experience. The hard experience or painful experience let us know the important reality. That's true. I agree with it, but please don't hurt Jonas too much~I will cry~I feel pain~!!!


<My new words>

1. perceive/v/pərˈsːv/ to notice or become aware of something
> I perceived a change in his behaivour.

2. invigorating/adj/ɪnˈvɪɡəreɪtɪŋ/to make somebody feel healthy and full of energy
>The sled slides down through the invigorating air

3. at the mercy of … /not able to stop somebody/something harming you because they have power or control over you
> at the mercy of the wild acceleration.
> His life was at the mercy of the king.

4. jagged/adj/ˈdʒæɡɪd/with rough, pointed, often sharp edges
>jagged edges

5. agony/n/ ˈæɡəni/extreme physical or mental pain
>In his agony he perceived the word “fire”.

6. tear/v/tɔːrn/ tear-tore-torn/ to damage something by pulling it apart or into pieces or by cutting it on something sharp; to become damaged in this way
>at the torn bone and flesh

7. writhe/v/raɪð/to twist or move your body without stopping, often because you are in great pain
> He was writhing on the bed.

8. ointment/n/ˈɔɪntmənt/a smooth substance that you rub on the skin to heal a wound or sore place
>antiseptic ointment

9. limp/v/lɪmp/ to walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured
>She had twisted her ankle and was limping.

10. assuage/v/əˈsweɪdʒ/to make an unpleasant feeling less severe
>It was not enough to assuage the pain.

11. fracture/v/ˈfræktʃər/ to break or crack; to make something break or crack
>the fractured leg

12. brisk/adj/brɪsk/cold but pleasantly fresh
>a brisk sail on a blue-green lake
>a brisk wind/breeze

13. assuage/v/əˈsweɪdʒ/to make an unpleasant feeling less severe
>It was not enough to assuage the pain

14. starvation/n/stɑːrˈveɪʃn /the state of suffering and death caused by having no food
>to die of/from starvation

15. deliberately/adv/dɪˈlɪbərətli /slowly and carefully
>he quite deliberately placed his hand firmly on Gabriel's back.


Bluish ice“  (p.108,L.7)means the ice looks slightly blue.  With {Color +"- ish"}, we can express the color of something!










Chapter 14 - The Giver

Jonas gets some painful memories such as hunger or fracture from the Giver and he wondered why The Giver and Jonas should contain all the memories and why those memories are not allowed to share with others. The Giver explained that they need to keep them in order to advise the committee of Elders. In addition, other people don’t want to know about pain and that’s why The Giver and Jonas were selected to carry the entire burden. On the other hand, Jonas got to experience an amazing thing. He’s failed to transmit his memory to another but this time, he seemed to make it with Gabriel.

Indeed, are the Giver and Jonas greatly honored to become the Receiver? On the surface, it can be true since all the people in the community say so and are told so. However, it’s obviously a white lie. People merely need one victim for everyone. They force the victim to sacrifice everything in order to give away all the pain and the burden. How selfish human being is!  

However, in another way, it could mean to have power or authorities as much as the Giver and Jonas carry all the memories. As Jonas asked the Giver to apply for a change of rules, what if they try to change the community using their memory; power?

The sled moved forward, and Jonas grinned with delight, looking forward to the breathtaking slide down through the invigorating air.
in·vig·or·at·ing [invígərèitiŋ]
to make somebody feel healthy and full of energy
They felt refreshed and invigorated after the walk.

But the runners, this time, couldn't slice through the frozen expanse
ex·panse [ikspǽns]
a wide and open area of something, especially land or water
a wide/vast expanse of blue sky

They skittered sideways and the sled gathered speed.
skitter [skítər]
[VERB] If something skitters, it moves about very lightly and quickly.
The rats skittered around them in the drains and under the floorboards

Jonas was jarred loose and thrown violently into the air.
jar [dʒaːr]
[VERB] If an object jars, or if something jars it, the object moves with a fairly hard shaking movement.
The ship jarred a little.

His face scraped along jagged edges of ice.
jagged [dʒǽgid]
with rough, pointed, often sharp edges
The mountains are jagged.

In his agony he perceived the word "fire"
agony [ǽgəni]
[NOUN] Agony is great physical or mental pain.
She called out in agony

There was always a daub of anesthetic ointment, or a pill; or in severe instances, an injection that brought complete and instantaneous deliverance.
daub [dɔːb]
small amount of a substance such as paint that has been spread carelessly
a daub of lipstick

anesthetic [ӕnəsθétik]= anaesthetic (NOUN)
a drug that makes a person or an animal unable to feel anything, especially pain, either in the whole body or in a part of the body.
We forget what life must have been like without anaesthetics and painkillers.

instantaneous [ìnstəntéiniəs]
[ADJ] Something that is instantaneous happens immediately and very quickly.
Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart.

deliverance [dilívərəns]
the state of being rescued from danger, evil or pain.
The opening scene shows them celebrating their sudden deliverance from war.

Limping, Jonas walked home, pushing his bicycle,
limp [limp]
[VERB] If a person or animal limps, they walk with difficulty or in an uneven way because one of their legs or feet is hurt.
I wasn't badly hurt, but I injured my thigh and had to limp.

But this ache lingered.
linger [líŋgər]
[VERB] When something such as an idea, feeling, or illness lingers, it continues to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected.
The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room.

Again and again he dreamed of the anguish and the isolation on the forsaken hill.
forsake [fərséik]
[VERB] If you forsake someone, you leave them when you should have stayed, or stop you helping them or looking after them.
I still love him and I would never forsake him.

The agony of the fractured leg began to seem no more than a mild discomfort.
fracture [frǽkʧər]
[VERB] If something such as a bone is fractured or fractures, it gets a slight crack or break in it.
She fell and fractured her skull.

a brisk sail on a blue-green lake
brisk [brisk]
[ADJ][usu ADJ n] A brisk activity or action is done quickly and in an energetic way.
Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being

It was not enough to assuage the pain that Jonas was beginning, now, to know.
assuage [əswéidʒ]
to make an unpleasant feeling less severe
To assuage his wife's grief, he took her on a tour of Europe.

the hunger had caused excruciating spasms in his empty, distended stomach.
excruciating [ikskrúːʃièitiŋ]
extremely painful
The pain in my back was excruciating.
spasm [spæzm]
[NOUN][oft into N] A spasm is a sudden tightening of your muscles, which you cannot control.
The injection sent his leg into spasm.
distend [disténd]
[VERB] If a part of your body is distended, or if it distends, it becomes swollen and unnaturally large.
starving children with huge distended bellies.

before your birth, a lot of citizens petitioned the Committee of Elders.
petition [pətíʃən]
[VERB] If you petition someone in authority, you make a formal request to them.
She's petitioning to regain custody of the child.

Now it was ominous. It meant, he knew, that nothing could be changed.
ominous  [άmənəs]
suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future
There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone

hugging his hippo placidly in the small crib
placid [plǽsid]
not easily upset or excited/not moving much : calm and steady
a person with a sunny, placid disposition

He ruffled Lily's hair.
ruffle [rΛfl]
[VERB] If you ruffle someone's hair, you move your hand backwards and forwards through it as a way of showing your affection towards them.
She ruffled his hair affectionately.

Larissa's life Elsewhere would be quiet and serene as befit the Old
befit [bifít]
[VERB] If something befits a person or thing, it is suitable or appropriate for them.
He lived in the style befitting a gentleman.

If no one goes to tend Gabriel," she pointed out, "he gets very loud.
tend [ténd]
to care for somebody/something
Doctors and nurses tended the injured.

The newchild was turning under his cover, flailing his arms, and beginning to whimper.
flail [fleil]
[VERB] If your arms or legs flail or if you flail them about, they wave about in an energetic but uncontrolled way.
His arms were flailing in all directions.

Sometimes that was all it took to lull him back to sleep.
lull [lʌl]
to make somebody relaxed and calm
The vibration of the engine lulled the children to sleep.

and above him the white sail of the boat billowing as he moved along in the brisk wind.
billow [bílou]
to fill with air and swell out
The curtains billowed in the breeze.

He no longer had any more than a wisp of the memory
wisp [wisp]
a small, thin piece of hair, grass, etc
She smoothed away a wisp of hair from her eyes.

Monday, September 16, 2013



After weeks pasted, Jonas lives in the life with colors. Gradually he is realizing the reality of this job and the difference between ordinary people’s life and his life. One day, he tried to transmit a memory to Asher as the Giver did to Jonas, but it didn’t work.  It proved to him that it only works between the Receiver and the Giver. In the Giver’s life, he has a wife, but he advised to Jonas not to have a partner and family. That is because the Receiver is not allowed to share the memories and books with families and friends, and it will be terribly hard. Jonas asked a question to the Giver about the reason why the previous Receiver failed. She seemed to let normal citizens access to the memories. After that, it caused the confusion in the community.The Giver decided to give Jonas a special memory which may cause pain on Jonas, but it is time to do it.



Keeping secret in his heart until he died is terribly hard for us…..However, it will be allowed when Jonas got older to become a Giver? I was quite disappointed by the Givers words, such as ……. “They know nothing.” , “Life here is so orderly, so predictable---so painless. It’s what they’ve chosen.” The Giver is having negative view with the present world, and I feel sorry about his whole life. Living in the wrongly controlled world, and it’s impossible to be changed. I was wondering which person can live in happy life……”The people who don’t know the all secret, but everything is prepared for your life under the huge control. “ OR ......“The people who knows the reality, but everything needs to be selected by yourself.” When people feel happy or be satisfied with your life, it might be the time when people feel confident with what you have done through your life. The life is the result of your assembled selections. In the community, people still can feel happiness with your own life. I am not sure which life is wonderful….In China, there is internet access barrier and there is no freedom of speech (ex. newspaper and broadcasting). Once Chinese people get out of their own country, they may realize the reality of the free world, but they still love their own country. I think Jonas should have similar love to his own community. He was unlucky to be in the present community, but I hope he can find the way to enjoy his life. Let’s watch how he can survive with whole memories of the world….  

<My new words>

1. lawn/n/lɔːn/ an area of ground covered in short grass in a garden/yard or park
> the landscaped lawn around the Central Plaza.

2. absurdity/n/ əbˈsɜːrdəti/ completely ridiculous; not logical and sensible
>He laughed at the absurdity.

3. irrationally/adj/ ɪˈræʃnəli/ not based on, or not using, clear logical thought
> irrationally angry at his groupmates.

4. spatter /v/ ˈspætər/ to cover somebody/something with drops of liquid, dirt, etc,
> spattered with blood.

5.ragged/adj/ ˈræɡɪd/ old and torn
>the  ragged comfort object

6.spouse/n/ spaʊz/ a husband or wife
>Don’t you have a spouse?

7. astonish/v/ əˈstɑːnɪʃ / to surprise somebody very much
> The news astonished everyone.

8. predictable/adj/ prɪˈdɪktəbl/ if something is predictable, you know in advance that it will happen or what it will be like
>Here is orderly, so predictable.

9. assimilate/v/ əˈsɪməleɪt/ to fully understand an idea or some information so that you are able to use it yourself
>The memories were assimilated.

10. accusation/n/ ˌækjuˈzeɪʃn/ a statement saying that you think a person is guilty of doing something wrong, especially of committing a crime; the fact of accusing somebody
>There was a terrible accusation.


The difference between “glance” and “glimpse”.

Glance means that you look quickly at something/somebody.


Glimpse means  that a look at somebody/something for a very short time, when you do not see the person or thing completely.